Internatinal Multilingual Academy
Gateway For Your Dreams


What is IELTS?

IELTS, or International English Language Testing System, is an assessment of the English language proficiency of the person taking the test. Suppose you’re planning to move to an English-speaking country for higher studies, or a job, or migration. In that case, you need to present proof of your proficiency in the English language so you can begin your training or education in the country or your immigration process. 

Why choose IELTS? 

IELTS is widely accepted as a reliable proof of your language skills by universities, governments, professional associations, and employers around the world. It is recognized by more than 10000 institutions across 140 countries, and it tests the candidate’s listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills in English. IELTS is the right test for you whether you’re hoping to apply for study, professional registration, or migration abroad. In fact, the IELTS General Training test is the only non-academic language test for migration purposes.

What are the components of the IELTS exam?

The IELTS exam is conducted in four phases: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking tests. Listening, reading, and writing tests are conducted on the same day without any breaks in between. For your speaking test, you can choose a preferred slot online within a given period, failing which you will be allocated a slot automatically. The total test time is 2 hours 45 minutes. 

What is the format of the IELTS exam? 

The IELTS exam is conducted in two formats. You can either take the test in a paper-based format at the nearest IELTS center. Writing, listening, and reading sections can be taken on paper with a pen or HB pencil. Alternatively, you can opt for a computer-based IELTS exam. Writing, reading, and listening sections can be taken on the computer in this option. 


The procedure for the speaking test is the same for both formats. It is carried out on a video call with a trained examiner. 

When is the IELTS exam conducted? 

You can take the IELTS exam at the nearest IELTS test centers. There are currently 4000 test centers across the globe! If you opt for the computer-based IELTS, you can take the exam from the convenience of your home! All you need is a stable internet connection and a laptop/computer. 

When are the results of the IELTS exam declared? 

You can expect the results of your IELTS exam 13 days after taking the exam through the paper-based format and within 3-5 days if you opt for the computer-based IELTS. 

What is the fee for the IELTS exam? 

You can take the IELTS exam in the computer-based format or the Paper-based format; whatever works for you! The fees are the same for both, the general training and the academic test are the same as follows- 

  • Paper-based: INR 16,500 
  • Computer-delivered:  INR 16,500

Which IELTS Test module should you opt for? 

There are two categories of IELTS exam- 

1) IELTS Academic: This test assesses the candidate’s proficiency in English and whether they are ready to undertake educational or training programs in a place where English is the primary language of communication. 

2) IELTS General Training: The General Training module is to test practical language skills for work and migration purposes. 


Visa Applications- If you’re planning to apply for a visa in the UK, you may be required to take a specific version of the test called the IELTS UKVI test. You may also need to take the Life Skills Test, depending on the requirements of the institution you are applying for.

Do IELTS Centres accommodate special requirements for the test? 

IELTS test centers offer a number of services to ensure the test can be conducted legally for candidates from all backgrounds. They have special services for candidates who need medical assistance or have specific learning disabilities, or visual/hearing difficulties. All you need to do is notify your chosen test center 6 weeks prior to the test so they can accommodate your requests and make the arrangements accordingly. 

All in All 

IELTS is the ideal choice for anyone hoping to apply abroad. There are no prerequisites or eligibility criteria- anyone can take the test! Register now and prepare to kick-start your international journey on the right foot!